sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate //关机前须先关闭数据库实例
SQL> startup //启动数据库实例
[oracle@localhost ~]$ lsnrctl start //启动监听器
sqlplus system/shigw1100A as sysdba //让system用户使用管理员身份进行登录
select * from all_users;
alter user system identified by shigw1100A;
alter user scott account unlock; //解锁scott用户,scott用户,密码tiger。
select table_name from user_tables; //查询当前用户所有表
create tablespace test01 datafile '/opt/oracle/oradata/test01/test.dbf' size 1024m autoextend on next 100m; //创建表空间,当容量不够时自动扩容100m
drop tablespace test01; //删除表空间
create user test identified by 123456 default tablespace test01; //新建用户,将表空间分配给用户
grant connect,resource,create indextype,create job,create sequence,create session,create table,create view,create procedure,unlimited tablespace,insert any table to test; //给用户赋予操作权限
create table testinfo(
id number(6,0),
testname varchar2(20),
testpwd varchar2(20),
email varchar2(30),
regdate date
alter table testinfo add remarks varchar2(500); //添加字段
alter table testinfo modify remarks varchar2(620); //更改字段数据类型
alter table testinfo drop column remarks; //删除表中字段
alter table testinfo rename column email to new_email; //修改字段名
rename testinfo to new_testinfo; //修改表名
truncate table testinfo; //删除表数据
drop table testinfo; //删除表的结构
insert into testinfo //插入一条记录
(id, testname, testpwd, email, regdate, remarks)
('1', '洪七公', '123456', '123488@qq.com', date'2021-02-06', '时任帮主');
update testinfo set testname = '黄蓉' where id = 2; //修改一条记录
update testinfo set regdate = to_date('2019-12-26 20:25:36','YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') where id = 1;
select * from testinfo;
create sequence s_person;
select s_person.nextval from dual;
insert into person (pid, pname) values (s_person.nextval, '小明');
select * from person;